
creating a new user, & edit profile save bug

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Reproducing my bug on jungle master branch.

the profile pic, avatar is not saving bug. At the first attempt. ..

Create a new user

Skip set up wallet.

Click back to profile.

Click edit profile.

Click Change Avatar.

Add any pic...

Click Save Details... Nothing happens here..
but I see the new picture added in the top right nav bar.. but not in the profile box, so Strange Error,

Now.. After I Refresh the page.. and adding new pic again then save.. its working ok!! Save details works

I see picture in the top right nav bar. And profile box now.

But Not sure how to debug this. Error

Maybe I got a temporary timeout socket problem?? @asoltys

Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: {"statusCode":500,"code":"ECONNRESET","error":"Internal Server Error","message":"socket hang up"}

This add avatar picture bug only happens if the new user hasn't created a wallet!!

I finally worked it out..
will keep trying track down this error. @asoltys

This how now been fixed with latest updates, cheers @asoltys
"The User must now complete wallet first, before adding a avatar profile"