
not being quiet can you please supress these few messages during quiet

devcoinfet opened this issue · 5 comments

npx: installed 301 in 5.888s

i can deal with this one at the least but these 2 i would like it if you could remove them in quiet mode for us

Error: Lighthouse was unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all requests. (Details: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID)


so total there is only two im sorry never mind the npx ill get rid of that so that ssl error is all im worried about as its in my output

Well there's no "quiet mode" option yet, and that error is coming from lighthouse itself.
What would you expect to happen/see if there are errors?

Can you give me an example URL I can use to reproduce the issue?

ok ill look into lighthouse


ill close it as this is my isue underlying during bounty scan i believe
