
Feature Suggestion: Admin Control over Visible IAM Roles for Users

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'd like to propose an enhancement regarding the management of IAM roles within our system. Currently, when users attempt to bind IAM roles, they are presented with a complete list of all available roles. This can be overwhelming and potentially confusing, especially for users who only require access to a subset of these roles for their operations.

To address this, I suggest implementing a feature where admin users can control and limit the IAM roles displayed to end-users. This would not only streamline the user experience by presenting a more relevant and concise set of options but also enhance security by reducing the risk of users inadvertently selecting inappropriate roles.

By allowing admins to customize the visibility of IAM roles based on user needs and permissions, we can make the system more user-friendly and secure. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this suggestion.
