
RedisStore - Using direct Redis commands instead of hash Redis commands

arvind-bhaskar opened this issue · 1 comments

Can we use the direct Redis get, set, del commands instead of hget, hset, hdel?

The reason

  • On using the hash command the expiration of the particular hash list is set to infinity.
  • And on accessing the Request Cache it iterates all the keys and deletes only one key if the length exceeds the provided max length
  • It uses hgetAll to iterate all the keys which are of O(N) time.

Proposed Solution

  • To avoid iterating all the keys, the max length should not be specified.
  • Because of the absence of max length, the size of the Redis hash list increases and instill the memory load in the Redis server.
  • Even if the max length is specified, we can use the scan command to iterate through keys 1000 at a time. It optimizes the flow.
  • For the namespace, we can prefix the key.
  • To overcome this, we can use the direct Redis commands with separate TTL for every key. On the expiration of the TTL, the Redis itself deletes the key.
  • We can provide the developers with two different options to use the RedisStore either by hash commands or by direct commands.