
axios-cache-adapter causes leaks in unit tests when running jest with `--detect-leaks`

ahayes91 opened this issue · 1 comments

This took a while to track down - we're seeing issues with the performance of tests in our monorepo when running in the CI, and after some investigation using the --detect-leaks flag in jest, I've identified that the leaks are occurring in our use of the axios-cache-adapter package.

Repository to reproduce this issue:

  • ahayes91/TestTimeouts#2 shows that the leak is removed when running yarn workspace @test/parentApp test --detect-leaks if the cache functionality is commented from the functional code
  • ahayes91/TestTimeouts#3 shows that the leak is removed for the App.integration.test.js file if the axios-cache-adapter module is mocked in the test file (you can run yarn jest PATH_TO_FILE --detect-leaks to test this one individually)
  1. Can we find out what code in the module is causing the leakage & fix it / have you seen this before?
  2. Can you advise on how best to mock the module globally for unit tests without having to put jest.mock in every test file? didn't seem to work for me, even when I put the manual mocking file in a __mocks__ directory beside the root level node_modules and in a __mocks__ directory beside the package level node_modules.

Edit: I've updated our jest config to load the mock in the setupFilesAfterEnv step:

// mockAxiosCache.js
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
jest.mock('axios-cache-adapter', () => {
  return {
    setupCache: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ adapter: 'mockAdapter' }),

// jest.config.js
setupFilesAfterEnv: [

Hello @ahayes91

Thank you for this investigation and for uncovering this leak issue. I've been away for a while (as you probably noticed).

I will look into this as soon as I can.
