criando projeto

mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=sqs_consomer -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

doc mvn

gerar com manifest

exemplo code base

mvn options

  • mvn validate: validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
  • mvn compile: compile the source code of the project
  • mvn test: test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code be - packaged or deployed
  • mvn package: take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
  • mvn integration-test: process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests can be run
  • mvn verify: run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria
  • mvn install: install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
  • mvn deploy: done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.

como rodar

  • configurar o seu .bash_profile ou .bashrc
code ~/.bash_profile


source ~/.bash_profile

rodar o comando



rodando via aws cli

AWS configure
AWS sqs create-queue --queue-name="fila-danilo" --region=us-east-1
AWS sqs list-queues # retorna filas existentes
AWS sqs send-message --message-body="Teste" --queue-url= 
aws sqs receive-message --queue-url= 
aws sqs receive-message --queue-url= --wait-time-seconds=20 # Long Polling economiza request
AWS sqs delete-message --queue-url=  --receipt-handle=AQEBn65lYxXGVM5uopn7HIZ4fPpsWx9/NiFinPJK8etxuneMVBD+r3j7MegQ0LlRdgOWne281xrYx2rXoeRo0GDyOH7/W795n2rQjSifxPPaDJNw8rfeu1rS/GqGEjLfiLTfOeabEREWVV2L938VZc7Zpsitcu8GpO57mYEG2nKGXZwB0H43cqicFEqYZaRmZIbV+RWtFC7mnE3vZb3ollVGjRyVMlt6pPmEA9UAQrrFL2JrMEW/I8Apq3Ei6HQpapmK8BL5YmAcpulkiIjnyJAiztxhgz4TaDAgJEVp+8Ra3n1y5Q9tGWoplohK4Kw28tM/Ak1ySRPzqNZwmL6wPGVvNbLzVgWADGWAI8sA07gOHjFdY7uF666nQelohIVv6kEYtHBc+S0YTzxODbULex4hzQ==
AWS sqs delete-queue --queue-url= 
AWS sqs create-queue --queue-name="fila-danilo-dlq" # Dead-letter queue - file para itens errados não processados/indesejados. configurar a fila fila-danilo vinculando com a DLQ fila-danilo-dlq

FIFO Queue

  • A file do tipo FIFO, garante a entrada e saida de mensagem ordenada
  • Todos as mensagens precisam ser enviados com um grupo obrigatório, a ordem irá retornar categorizada por grupo
  • a criação da fila precisa ter em seu nome o ".fifo"
  • Ao criar a fila com o corpo "Content-based deduplication" não deixa duplicar mensagens enviadas em um periodo de 5 minnutos

rodando via aws cli FIFO

AWS configure
AWS sqs create-queue --queue-name="fila-danilo.fifo" --attributes="{\"FifoQueue\":\"true\", \"ContentBasedDeduplication\":\"true\"}" --region=us-east-1
AWS sqs list-queues # retorna filas existentes
AWS sqs send-message --message-body="Teste2" --queue-url= --message-group-id="grupo"
aws sqs receive-message --queue-url= 
aws sqs receive-message --queue-url= --wait-time-seconds=20 # Long Polling economiza request
AWS sqs delete-message --queue-url=  --receipt-handle=AQEBirF79Oq5fKxhUR0XNAUlokwpdc/iXAYMW0BY+7ylafmPqAZWlOAeHZkPQ4R77P6I/OFsLZdJzQHUXQoDwxwdxAthhjrWASx6JYta9xr4s+3TJwbMWXeGbR4jFv3ubJFW+az4hr5GL7dTXPea0xzAwSeDtvtgjEPpiDZfbDN5WC0XyAkKZbvkf+h6dYvzqTAMn1HSuXgOJzW6Ay/ldkxbkJA+k++ulyhPHshrW0FzRYVugzUR8b2xYZ6umtzQjuSP6iN9POV49zSTa5ZhQfHj1A==
AWS sqs delete-queue --queue-url=