
January-March 2017 commercial license giveaway

brodycj opened this issue · 6 comments

@brodybits is happy to announce a commercial license giveaway, under the following terms:

  • Single app per company or indie publisher
  • Support is available through public forums such as litehelpers / Cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free / issues
  • Valid until the end of March 2017
  • Please have an owner, partner, or other board member provide the following information to
    • Name, description, and location of your company, along with website if available
    • Name and description of app, along with link to any published versions available
    • May we use your app as a sample?
    • How satisfied are you with this plugin and its documentation? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
    • What kinds of more advanced SQL features such as JOIN, VIEW, or TRIGGER, if any?
    • Major framework used by your app, such as Ionic 1, Ionic 2, React, Node.js, Meteor, etc.?
    • What protocols and frameworks if any does your company use for client-server data synchronization?
    • What are your most difficult challenges related to developing, maintaining, and supporting your software?
    • May @brodybits or other members of @litehelpers contact you with offers or any other updates?

This offer is extended through March 2017.

11 days left!

What if I'm only started developing my app and can't provide 'link to any published versions available' ? Thanks.

@fidelcom1 it is OK if your app is not yet ready to be published.

8 days left!

Today is the last day!