How to upgrade to 1.8.0 using apt?
Lvshujun0918 opened this issue · 3 comments
Lvshujun0918 commented
I try to use apt upgrade
to check for update, but I didn't get any for openlitespeed. My system version is Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. May you offer help? thx!
FatGrizzly commented
Stable repo doesn't have 1.8.x yet,
Edge repo doesn't have jammy support at all.
Wait until it comes to stable ver.
timnolte commented
Yeah, I ran into this as well when attempting to update the arm64 Docker image for OLS 1.8, they don't exist. 😕
Lvshujun0918 commented
Thanks for help. It seems that I can only wait until it published.