litgupta's Following
- miguelgrinbergElastic
- gvanrossumMicrosoft
- brandon-rhodesGoshen, Indiana
- i-break-codesBrowserStack
- racheltho@fastai
- jph00@answerdotai
- JabrilsJabrils
- fchollet
- abhishekkrthakur@huggingface
- alexWashington D.C.
- ludwigschubertNew York City
- neilharia7Cincinnati, OH
- maxpumperlaunbounded ltd.
- imvvk11Pune, India
- iitmaniacNavidium India Pvt. Ltd.
- ktj94Pune
- priya-dwivediDeep Learning Consultant
- antirezRedis Labs
- rossant@int-brain-lab @cortex-lab
- ConchylicultorGoogle
- mahnerakFAIR Labs, Meta AI
- donnemartin@facebook
- djangosporti
- fiserj
- ajaycode
- nncanepaComision Nacional de Energia Atomica
- kamino@ge0n0sis
- mzuckerPhiladelphia, PA
- teamdandelionSeattle
- norvigGoogle
- colahSan Francisco
- awjulianiSan Francisco Bay Area
- ageronAuckland
- rasbt@Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison
- ujjwalkarn@facebook
- ryankirosUniversity of Toronto