
litmusChaos server doesn't init on minikube

kwx4957 opened this issue · 1 comments

k8s api version: 1.30
env: minikube, docker 4.32
os: mac m2 sonoma 14.5(arm)

What happened:
when i install litmusChaos using helm3. i found server doesn't start so i am looking for why it happend.

litmus        chaos-litmus-auth-server-8499fc4cf-7zkrw   0/1     Init:0/1   0          13m
litmus        chaos-litmus-frontend-6fd8ff8b48-wsxmn     1/1     Running    0          13m
litmus        chaos-litmus-server-5484b76bc-8tzht        0/1     Init:0/1   0          13m
litmus        chaos-mongodb-0                            1/1     Running    0          13m
litmus        chaos-mongodb-1                            1/1     Running    0          13m
litmus        chaos-mongodb-arbiter-0                    1/1     Running    0          13m

it seems init container can't load ConfigMap but ConfigMap has values.

      DB_PASSWORD:  1234
      DB_USER:      root
      DB_SERVER:    <set to the key 'DB_SERVER' of config map 'chaos-litmus-admin-config'>  Optional: false
Environment Variables from:
  chaos-litmus-admin-secret  Secret     Optional: false
  chaos-litmus-admin-config  ConfigMap  Optional: false



configmap can't provide DB_SERVER values

What you expected to happen
Does anybody get same issue?

Where can this issue be corrected? (optional)

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Anything else we need to know?:

i solve the problem that is mongoDB issue maybe.

  1. helm uninstall chaos -n litmus
  2. helm repo remove litmuschaos

and then follow litmus document.