
litmus-agent Helm chart - Subscriber and Event-tracker CrashLoopBackOff: ACCESS_KEY / VERSION missing values

gustavoromerobenitez opened this issue · 7 comments

What happened:

  1. Deployed litmus Helm chart v3.9.0 on a private GKE cluster in the litmus-operator namespace via ArgoCD.
  2. The control plane components are working fine and I can access the Chaos Center UI.
  3. Created an Environment.
  4. Configured the litmus-agent Helm chart v3.9.0 as follows (credentials are redacted)
    infraConfigName: test-chaos-infra-config  # This gets created but it is empty
    infraSecretName: test-chaos-infra-secret  # This gets created but it is empty
    INFRA_MODE: "cluster"
  INFRA_NAME: "test-chaos-infrastructure"
  INFRA_DESCRIPTION: "Test chaos infrastructure"
  SA_EXISTS: "false"
  NS_EXISTS: "true"
  INFRA_TYPE: "internal"
  APP_VERSION: "3.9.0"
  SKIP_SSL: "true"
  LITMUS_URL: "http://litmus-operator-app-frontend-service.litmus-operator.svc.cluster.local:9091"
  LITMUS_BACKEND_URL: "http://litmus-operator-app-server-service.litmus-operator.svc.cluster.local:9002"
  LITMUS_ENVIRONMENT_ID: "testenvironment"
  1. Deployed litmus-agent Helm chart 3.9.0 on the same private GKE cluster in the litmus-agent namespace via Argo CD.
  2. The agent installation Job finishes with an error about not being able to process the request header, but I can see the new infrastructure as PENDING in the Chaos Center UI. It never connects.
  3. The subscriber workload is in a CrashLoopBackOff state and the logs show a fatal error: "required key ACCESS_KEY missing value"
  4. The event-tracker workload is in a CrashLoopBackOff state and the logs show a fatal error: "required key VERSION missing value"
  5. The litmus-agent namespace only contains an empty infra secret. There is no 'agent secret' as mentioned in other Issues.

What you expected to happen:
I expected the infra created by the litmus-agent Helm chart to connect successfully to the Chaos Center.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
See above in "What happened"

Anything else we need to know?:
I have searched through the issues and have followed the steps mentioned in issue 3531 and issue 3528 amongst others.

is this issue resolved?

Im also facing this exact issue with the latest installation.

I have the same problem using flux with the latest version 3.11.0.
Has anyone found a solution?

Can I take this issue?

go ahead, @jemlog

After switching to the Helm charts litmus-agent:3.11.2 and litmus:3.11.0, the issues I was encountering have been resolved. Everything now appears to be functioning smoothly on my end.

I am seeing the same issue on litmus-agent:3.13.0 and litmus:3.13.0.
We install via ArgoCD and let the chart create all it's own secrets and configmaps.
We also set the INFRA_TYPE to external use an ingress via LITMUS_URL, LITMUS_FRONTEND_URL and LITMUS_BACKEND_URL