
pods hanging in init status after installing litmuschaos/litmus with helm

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Hi, I was following the instructions on this page to install litmuschaos/litmus. However, the pods have been hanging in init status. Any suggestions? Thanks.

The issue was the litmus server was waiting for chaos-mongodb. chaos-mongodb was not created and this is the error message: running PreBind plugin "VolumeBinding": binding volumes: timed out waiting for the condition

I had the same issue with the auth server and server pods' init status on Mac (ARM). I removed the Helm repo and then followed the documentation. It worked

Thank you, @kwx4957 . Could you please share a more details? At what step did you remove the helm repo?

I still need helm to run this line, right?
helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus -f override-litmus.yaml

If there are pods that already run,

1. helm uninstall -n litmus chaos
2. helm repo remove litmuschaos 
3. helm repo add litmuschaos
4. helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus \
--namespace=litmus \
--set portal.frontend.service.type=NodePort \
--set \
--set mongodb.image.repository=bitnami-compat/mongodb \
--set mongodb.image.tag=6.0.5

In my case mac(arm) and minikube, it works
also litmuschaos version is 3.91

I hope my help will solve the problem