Utilizing Java to implement IPFS invocation by adding files into IPFS and cat files from IPFS

Primary LanguageJava


Utilizing Java to implement IPFS invocation by adding files into IPFS and cat files from IPFS.

IPFS is a decentralized file system which can be used to store data in a decentralzied manner by file format.

Start the IPFS

using the instruction ipfs daemon

some tips

peer identity: 12D3KooWFS2AmXsEaLbMN3ZBjzNz95FTeSjBXiDQxU5UDy9LCw3r


initializing IPFS node at /Users/meng/.ipfs


the dependency and the configuration the pom.xml



Java invocation

init IPFS

 public static IPFS ipfs = new IPFS("/ip4/");

The data is stored in a file which is named by the data hash and stored in the directory resource/ipfsFile.

The basic operation is add and cat.

   public static String add(String path) throws IOException {

       NamedStreamable.FileWrapper file = new NamedStreamable.FileWrapper(new File(path));
       MerkleNode addResult = ipfs.add(file).get(0);
       return addResult.hash.toString();

   public static String cat(String ipfsHash) throws IOException {
       Multihash filePointer = Multihash.fromBase58(ipfsHash);
       byte[] data = ipfs.cat(filePointer);
       return new String(data);

All the operations aiming to store data are integrated in the function IPFStorage

    public static String IPFStorage(String content) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        String path = createFile(content);
        String ipfsHash = add(path);
        System.out.println("IPFS Hash: "+ipfsHash);
        return ipfsHash;

An invocation example

As is shown in IPFSDemo.Java

  // store data in IPFS
  String hash = IPFStorage("0617 test");

  // get the data stored previously
  String content = cat(hash);