
Failed to Save URL and API Key

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When I try to configure the API URL and API Key, I click on Save, but it is not saved.

Captura de pantalla de 2022-12-26 10-28-04

Apps Version:
Plugin: BigBlueButton Integration, por Klaus Herberth licenciado bajo AGPL, 2.4.0-alpha
NextCloud: 24.0.6

Sorry, but the issue continue!

sualko commented

@sheyk87 it seams like you are the only one experience this issue and without further debug information, I can't do anything. Maybe you want to look at the expert configuration options:

@sheyk87 it seams like you are the only one experience this issue and without further debug information, I can't do anything. Maybe you want to look at the expert configuration options:

I'll try! Thank You