
No backup files, please!

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This is great and I love everything about these defaults EXCEPT that Vim started writing backup files ('~'). How do I stop it from doing that?

I tried adding these to the end of my .vimrc:

set nobackup
set nowritebackup

but it seems to ignore them now and writes backup files anyway.

@a115 Thank you for your feedback! I have added a backup option, which is set no backup as default. Please update vim-better-default.

This is great, thank you! But I just realised that I don't actually have a problem with 'backup'... I have a problem with 'undofile'. It's my mistake, because I noticed files ending on '' and thought they are backup files, but they are actually '.un' files... So, could you make an option for persistent undo as well?

I have already added a persistent undo option, which is set on as default. If you don't want it, add this to your .vimrc:

let g:vim_better_default_persistent_undo = 0

Please update vim-better-default and any feedback is welcome!