

liuchengxu opened this issue · 23 comments


Feel free to post here if you also have some cool GIFs or screenshots.

#2 Only for the sync provider, if the query contains spaces, apply the substring filter mode.


:Clap marks with preview support #43 :


Looks good, is it possible to have the preview vertical?

Well, you can actually put the preview window anywhere, but it's fixed at the moment.

Built-in fzy support since #92, available for the sync filtering, e.g., :Clap blines when the total lines number is no more than 10,000L:


vim-clap can handle even 1 million items now. #184


vim-clap with 1 million items without suffering the flicker:


:Clap loclist location list provider with better preview for the linter messages:

屏幕快照 2020-01-17 下午3 20 44

:Clap files/:Clap history preview support(#303)

屏幕快照 2020-02-05 下午9 59 44

yanks preview:

截屏2020-02-18下午9 51 34

屏幕快照 2020-01-23 下午8 43 09

Ensure the long matched elements always at least partially visible #330
截屏2020-02-24下午5 14 35

Add border for vim's preview popup(#349):

Note the new sign for telling you that cache is being used, use :Clap!! to refresh the cache. #383.

截屏2020-04-08 下午5 11 50

Add +name-only for filtering the file name only, requirement: Python dynamic module, or use the cached content for dyn filter. #389

:Clap files:

截屏2020-04-12 下午4 29 07

:Clap files +name-only:

截屏2020-04-12 下午4 28 53

Action dialog #396, the default key binding is <S-Tab>, implemented using confirm() for neovim, popup for vim.


截屏2020-04-19 上午1 07 36


截屏2020-04-19 上午1 10 59

I've been fascinated by the prospect of trying to turn the clap menu into the vscode ctrl-p menu. I took a bit of logic out of the wiki example for running commands, and made a syntax file to come up with something goofy like this:


runiq commented

Integrating Clap with LanguageClient-Neovim:

The necessary vimrc stuff:

function! MySelectionUI(source, sink) abort
	return clap#run({'id': 'LCN', 'source': a:source, 'sink': a:sink})

let g:LanguageClient_selectionUI = function('MySelectionUI')

@liuchengxu Can I please know the font in this post?

@subnut Should be fira code.

Screenshot from 2021-02-11 21-41-17

Preview for help_tags #630.

Preview with the current function/method context, #798.

截屏2022-02-06 上午10 58 02