feedkeys function add mode string (like 'n') to avoid remap keys
KnightCS opened this issue · 2 comments
Environment (please complete the following information):
- OS: wsl
- (Neo)Vim version: 8.2
- vim-which-key version: lastest
- Have you reproduced with a minimal vimrc: no
Describe the bug
nnoremap z key recursive_mapping
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create the minimal vimrc
let g:key = { 'name': 'z', '+': ['z+', 'redraw'],}
nnoremap <silent> z :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>
Start (neo)vim with command:
vim -u min.vim
Type 'z+'
bug: flicker
Expected behavior
nnoremap z key to display some fold commands
** reason **
nnoremap key recursive, when I input z+, as i input :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>:<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>:<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>:<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>...+
** how to fix **
Feedkeys has a arg {mode}
, the flags 'n' will "Do not remap keys."
It will fix this program.
At a glance, two problems, and one thought:
Problem 1:
nnoremap <silent> z :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key.z<CR>
Should use the form :WhichKey! {dict}
nnoremap <silent> z :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key<CR>
I'm not sure how which-key would interpret that back then but shouldn't work now.
Problem 2:
let g:key = { 'name': 'z', '+': ['z+', 'redraw'],}
Should be:
let g:which_key_fallback_to_native_key = 1
let g:key = { 'name': 'z', '+': 'redraw',}
And z+
will work, with the 'redraw' label, and regardless of if the user delays long enough for the popup window. Bug with the native fallback on current master that I accidentally introduced but I'll fix that in PR.
One thought:
Doesn't look like the suggestion is in place. Not sure of all implications. Though I think the above methodology I wrote is probably what is desirable by everyone, as the end-user doesn't have to exhaustively enumerate the many out-of-the-box mappings as described in #150. So, closing this. Any reader is free to re-open if there is indeed a use-case.
Oh, I solve this problem by another config way.
Actually, the above config is problematic, it should be:
let g:key_z = {
\ 'name': 'z',
\ '+': ['z+', 'top redraw'],
\ }
nnoremap <silent> z :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key_z<CR>
And when i input z+, it will call feedkeys('z+')
, and 'z' is map to 'WhichKey',
so it will loop in show 'z' window.
So i fix this by this config:
let g:key_z = {
\ 'name': 'z',
\ '+': ['call feedkeys("z+", "n")', 'top redraw'],
\ }
nnoremap <silent> z :<C-U>WhichKey! g:key_z<CR>
And this will on map to 'z', it work fine for me now.