
Feature request: sort by config file

v6cc opened this issue · 3 comments

v6cc commented

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Want to sort by the name in config file

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

" f for fzf
let g:which_key_map.f = {
      \ 'name' : '+fzf',
      \ 'f' : [':Files',    'Files'],
      \ 'F' : [':Filetypes',    'File types'],
      \ 'm' : [':Marks',    'Marks'],
      \ 'M' : [':Maps',     'Normal mode mappings'],

always want to show f , F , m , M ....

v6cc commented

if set

let g:which_key_vertical = 1

it use space more than they need , can I set it to auto fit it need ?

v6cc commented


Sort by the order of the defined key.

It's unsupported as you can't sort the Dict by the order of key defined.