Mapping <leader><leader>?
divramod opened this issue · 1 comments
divramod commented
thx for the awesome plugin!!
I like to map .
I am using space as leader.
I tried
let g:which_key_map['<space>'] = {
\ 'name' : '+SPACE',
\ 'r' : [ ':Some' ,'some'],
\ }
and some other combinations.
Is it possible to map special key like leader and/or space presses at all?
liuchengxu commented
You can use ' '
for Space in g:which_key_map
let g:which_key_map[' '] = {
\ 'name' : '+SPACE',
\ 'r' : [ ':Some' ,'some'],
\ }
It's possible to map these specical keys, but not all of them are supported right now, I'm not a heavy user of specical keys. You might run into issues if you use a lot of specical keys.