[bug] conflict with fastfold.vim
Freed-Wu opened this issue · 0 comments
Freed-Wu commented
" $ uname -r
" 5.13.8-arch1-1
" $ has nvim
" ✓ nvim 0.5.0
" $ has python
" ✓ python 3.9.6
" $ vi test.vim
set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME,~/.local/share/nvim/repos/github.com/Konfekt/FastFold,~/.local/share/nvim/repos/github.com/liuchengxu/vim-which-key
nnoremap <nowait> z :<C-u>WhichKey 'z'<CR>
" $ vi -u test.vim demo.vim
this is demo.vim:
" Interaction {{{1 "
" UI {{{2 "
" liuchengxu/vim-which-key {{{3 "
" 3}}} liuchengxu/vim-which-key "
" 2}}} UI "
" KeyMap {{{2 "
" lyokha/vim-xkbswitch {{{3 "
" 3}}} lyokha/vim-xkbswitch "
" 2}}} KeyMap "
" 1}}} Interaction "
" ex: foldmethod=marker
after vi -u test.vim demo.vim
after 3ggl
, the folder was opened.
after 2dd
, a folder was deleted.
after z
, wait to the popup window, vim-which-key will give you a popup window to prompt what hotkey has been mapped.
after j
, it should jump to next folder, however:
some lines were deleted. this is a bug.