
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'OUTPUT/OUTPUT/cvpr_2024_p_vqvae_ffhq/checkpoint/last.pth/configs/config.yaml'

WJDNJSDJ opened this issue · 0 comments

Dear seniors, thank you very much for your contributions. When I debug Foimech in Pantinwisproved/Trened Trans Formmermoder, I get the following issue:

(ImgSyn) liu@liu-ubuntu-18:~/ZZB/PUT-main/scripts$ python --func inference_inpainting --name OUTPUT/cvpr_2024_p_vqvae_ffhq/checkpoint/last.pth --input_res 256,256 --num_token_per_iter 20 --num_token_for_sampling 200 --num_sample 1 --num_replicate 1 --image_dir data/ffhq_256_sample/gt --mask_dir data/ffhq_256_sample/mr0.5_0.6 --gpu 0 UserWarning: You have chosen a specific GPU. This will completely disable ddp.
warnings.warn('You have chosen a specific GPU. This will completely disable ddp.')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 652, in
launch(inference_func_map[args.func], args.ngpus_per_node, args.num_node, args.node_rank, args.dist_url, args=(args,))
File "/home/liu/ZZB/PUT-main/image_synthesis/distributed/", line 52, in launch
fn(local_rank, *args)
File "", line 411, in inference_inpainting
info = get_model(args=args,
File "", line 175, in get_model
config = load_yaml_config(config_path)
File "/home/liu/ZZB/PUT-main/image_synthesis/utils/", line 7, in load_yaml_config
with open(path) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'OUTPUT/OUTPUT/cvpr_2024_p_vqvae_ffhq/checkpoint/last.pth/configs/config.yaml'

I don't know why this happens, I hope the senior can answer, and I'm busy bothering.