
TLV Parser and Builder With C

Primary LanguageC

BER-TLV parser and builder(C Standard)


  • It supports nested TLV whether to build or parse
  • It designed according EMV 4.1 Book 3 - Annex B

How to parse

	uint32 hexStrLen = 54;
	uint8 hexStr[hexStrLen] = "50045649534157131000023100000033D44122011003400000481F";
	uint8 bytes[hexStrLen/ 2];
	uint32 bytesLength = hexStrLen / 2;
	tlvNode_t * tlvHeader; //Start Saving data from this point
	hex2bin(hexStr, bytes, hexStrLen);

	tlvListParse(bytes, bytesLength);
	tlvHeader = getTlvNodeHeader();

	freeTlvList(); //Lost All Parsed Data

How to build

	uint32 tlvListBufferLength;
	uint8* tlvBufferList;
	uint8 tag1Str[1] = "88";
	uint8 value1Str[] = "02";
	uint8 tag2Str[] = "5F2D";
	uint8 value2Str[] = "656E";	
	uint8 tag1[1], value1[1], tag2[2], value2[2];
	hex2bin(tag1Str, tag1, 2);
	hex2bin(value1Str, value1, 2);
	hex2bin(tag2Str, tag2 4);
	hex2bin(value2Str, value2, 4);
	addNexTlvToList(tag1, sizeof(tag1), value1, sizeof(value1));
	addNexTlvToList(tag2, sizeof(tag2), value2, sizeof(value2));
	tlvListBufferLength = buildTlvListBuffer();
	tlvBufferList = getTlvListBuffer();

	freeTlvList(); //Lost Of All TLV List
	freeTlvListBuffer();//Lost Build of Buffer Data

More Information

For more information and how to build nested TLVs refer to test units written in main.c.

Written By H.assaran with Code Blocks 17.12 IDE and MINGW compiler