Can implementation of the author share 200000 iteration model for comparative study?
leokwu opened this issue · 5 comments
leokwu commented
I used a model that iterated 7000/8000 times and it didn't work well.
I'm continuing to train.
Can implementation of the author share 200000G&D iteration model for comparative study?
leokwu commented
I have trained the final model .
sunil3590 commented
@leokwu can you please share the 200k model for G and D? My hardware would take like 35 days to train!
PTaati commented
I have trained the final model .
please send trained the final model to me
Thank you.
Amey1109 commented
I have trained the final model .
tks.please send trained the final model to me
Thank you.
if you got the model can you please share with me
CarolinGao commented
I have trained the final model .
你好 请问你用的中文数据集进行训练的吗? 最后测试结果怎么样?