Bug happening when running remote execution smart cell
hugobarauna opened this issue · 0 comments
hugobarauna commented
Running this code works:
But running that doesn't work:
Here's the code generated by the smart cell, when the code doesn't work:
require Kino.RPC
node = String.to_atom(System.fetch_env!("LB_TEAMS_PROD_NODE"))
Node.set_cookie(node, String.to_atom(System.fetch_env!("LB_TEAMS_PROD_COOKIE")))
Hub.Orgs.Org.changeset(org, %{name: "#{org.name}"})
|> Hub.Repo.update()
file: __ENV__.file
That said, when the bug happens, even I run the generated code by the smart cell, when the code worked, now it doesn't: