
[BUG] Backup Error in Egress when Using Subdirectories in `filePath`

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Describe the bug
Egress allows recordings to be stored in any S3 provider and has a backup_storage configuration option for saving files locally if the S3 upload fails.

When you make an egress request with the filePath containing a subdirectory, and the S3 upload fails, I expect Egress to create the necessary subdirectory in backup_storage and store the recording file there. But it is failing with the following error:

|    EGRESSID     |     STATUS      |           STARTED AT           |                           ERROR                            |
| EG_GAu9Hau6stad | EGRESS_FAILED   | 2023-12-01 15:03:25.863900265  | rename /home/egress/tmp/EG_GAu9Hau6stad/my-room-test.mp4   |
|                 |                 | +0100 CET                      | /home/egress/backup_storage/livekit-demo/my-room-test.mp4: |
|                 |                 |                                | no such file or directory                                  |

I think this is a bug, mainly because when the egress service is able to upload the file, the directory is created in S3 if the directory does not exist.
I suppose the behavior should be the same when backing it up.

Egress Version

Egress Request

  1. I am using this egress configuration:
backup_storage: /home/egress/backup_storage

  access_key: minioadmin
  secret: minioadmin
  region: us-east-1
  endpoint: http://dummy:9100
  bucket: dummy
  force_path_style: true

Note1: I am using a dummy endpoint and bucket to force an error with S3 not being reachable
Note2: Directory /home/egress/backup_storage exists before running egress

  1. Create a room:
livekit-cli create-room --name my-first-room
  1. Simulate a publisher (just to record something):
livekit-cli join-room --room my-first-room --identity bot-user --publish-demo
  1. Start an egress. I am using room composite:


  "room_name": "my-first-room",
  "layout": "speaker",
  "file_outputs": [
      "filepath": "livekit-demo/my-room-test.mp4"
livekit-cli start-room-composite-egress --request request.json
  1. Wait for the egress to be active.
  2. Stop it:
livekit-cli stop-egress --id <egress-id>
  1. The egress should appear FAILED with the error:
no such file or directory

This occurs because the livekit-demo directory does not exist in /home/egress/backup_storage

Additional context
If the filePath does not contain subdirectories, the backup works well. I've also noticed that the Egress appears as EGRESS_COMPLETE when the S3 fails and the recording is moved to the backup_storage directory. Is this normal? Shouldn't it appear as EGRESS_FAILED? I mean, the recording is in the backup, but not in the S3 directory.

No logs needed, the error appears in the Egress object, nothing relevant in the logs as far as I know.