
NoSuchMethodError Error in webhook

ShubhamJuIT opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
In the latest release 1.5.1 an exception is thrown.
Sharing Stack Trace

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.Verification.withIssuer(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/auth0/jwt/interfaces/Verification;
	at io.livekit.server.WebhookReceiver.receive(WebhookReceiver.kt:29)
	at io.livekit.server.WebhookReceiver.receive$default(WebhookReceiver.kt:21)
	at io.livekit.server.WebhookReceiver.receive(WebhookReceiver.kt)
	at com.eko.ccpl_personnel.handlers.LivekitHandler.handleLivekitWebhook(

Or please provide which dependency i have to install to overcome with this error.

Expected behavior
It should not through this exception of no such method, or dependency should already be there with this version.

Device Info:

  • Java Version: [e.g. Java 11]
  • LiveKit Server SDK version: [e.g. 0.5.1]

dependency was overridden by some other dependency