Livepeer Community Call - 8/16/18 - 12pm ET, 6pm CEST, 9am PT
dob opened this issue · 4 comments
Participants and location
The community call is open to all.
Participant Link:
Live stream link to watch and follow along if not planning to actively participate:
Livepeer Wall of Shame! .
I found this to be a great exercise from Status. Take the time to identify the biggest items that we don't feel proud about as we represent Livepeer to the community:
Let's spend some time on the call building our own list of shame. And the resulting list will serve as a great target for personal OKR's or goals. If we can eliminate any item from the list, it's a huge victory.
Tributary Release
Let's do a quick check in on what we need to do to get the Tributary release out the door.
Metrics Demo
Eric and Ivan have been building out the metrics dashboard for Livepeer nodes in preparation of the Tributary release. They can give a demo of what's included.
Moderator: @dob
Note taker: @ericxtang
Streamer: @chrishobcroft
Anybody should feel free to add agenda items or leave questions they'd like to discuss here in the issue. I'll keep the agenda up to date.
Random q: Are these recorded and published anywhere? I couldn't make the call, but really wanted to check out the Metrics Dashboard demo.
@chrishobcroft did you happen to make a recording by any chance?
Can poke around the actual dashboard here:
Props to @darkdarkdragon for such a slick UI, and doing a lot of the work on the goclient metrics collection.
And looks like I answered my own question. Recording appears to be here: