as a user I want to be in control of the output of the encodings to meet my custom screen requirements
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custom transcoding options
4.1passthrough as a user I want to minimize the quality degration of the source stream
(wont touch video but pass through = no transcoder cost?!)
4.2 framesize: as a user I want to define the picture size of the transcoding for setting a custom abr
(define height x weight in pixels)
4.3 framerate: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, Iframe only as a user I want to reduce my streams framerate to be compatible to older devices
(define framerate reduction)
4.4 codec: h264 (only add as an API param, but no backend implementation) As a user I want to set the codec of my encoding to target a specific playback platform
(start with h264 later h265, vp9, av1)
4.5 bitrate As a user I want to set the bitrate being used for my encoding to target a specific network environment