
zine-copied for blog.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Crates.io Crates.io license-apache

Zine - a simple and opinionated tool to build your own magazine.

  • Mobile-first.
  • Intuitive and elegant magazine design.
  • Best reading experiences.
  • Theme customizable, extend friendly.
  • RSS Feed supported.
  • Open Graph Protocol supported.
  • Build into a static website, hosting anywhere.


cargo install zine

Get Started

Run zine new your-zine-site, you'll get following directory:

$ tree your-zine-site
├── content             # The content directory your seasons located
│   └── season-1        # The first season directory
│       ├── 1-first.md  # The first markdown article in this season
│       └── zine.toml   # The season Zine config file
└── zine.toml           # The root Zine config file of this project

2 directories, 3 files

Run zine serve to preview your zine site on your local computer:

$ cd your-zine-site

$ zine serve

███████╗██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗
╚══███╔╝██║████╗  ██║██╔════╝
  ███╔╝ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗  
 ███╔╝  ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝  
███████╗██║██║ ╚████║███████╗
╚══════╝╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝
listening on

Run zine build to build your zine site into a static website:

$ cd your-zine-site

$ zine build
Build success! The build directory is `build`.

Dive into deep

A Zine project mainly consists of two kind zine.toml files and a bunch of markdown files.

Root zine.toml

This root zine.toml file describes your site meta and all your season's info.

url = "https://your-domain.com"
name = "Your Zine Site Name"
description = ""
logo = "path/to/favicon"
# the locale to localize your Zine site. default to "en".
# Zine has builtin supported locales, please check the `locales` directory of this repo.
locale = "en"
# the menu tabs
menu = [
    { name = "About", url = "/about" },
    { name = "Blog", url = "/blog" },

# You can customize some theme elements in this section.
# All of those elements are optional.
# the primary color
primary-color = "#abcdef"
secondary-color = "#fff"
# the main text color
main-color = "#000"
# the link color in article content
link-color = "#e07312"
# the background image
background-image = "/static/background.png"
# you can customize your footer here
footer-template = "templates/footer.html"

# Season 1
# the slug of this season: https://your-domain.com/s1
slug = "s1"
# the number of this season
number = 1
# season title
title = "Season 1"
# the directory path to parse this season, you should put
# your markdown files in this directory
path = "content/season-1"
# the introduction of this season. optional.
intro = "content/season-1/intro.md"

# Season 2
slug = "s2"
number = 2
title = "Season 2"
path = "content/season-2"

Season zine.toml

The season zine.toml file list all your articles of this season.

# the slug of this article. E.g: https://your-domain.com/s1/1
slug = "1"
# the markdown file path of this article
file = "1-first.md"
# the title of this article
title = "First article"
# the optional author of this article
author = ""
# the cover of this article
cover = ""
# the publish date of this article
pub_date = "2022-03-20"
# whether to publish this article or not
publish = true
# whether mark this article as a featured article. 
# the featured articles will be shown on the home page
featured = true

# Another article



Every markdown file located in pages will be rendered as a Page. Just intuitive like this:

$ tree pages
├── about.md        # will be rendered as https://your-domain.com/about
├── blog            
│   └── first.md    # will be rendered as https://your-domain.com/blog/first
├── blog.md         # will be rendered as https://your-domain.com/blog
└── faq.md          # will be rendered as https://your-domain.com/faq

1 directory, 4 files


You can add an arbitrary number of comments for an article. Simply put the end matter below the article content.

end matter is a terminology similar to front matter in other Static Site Generators. Just like the front matter shown ahead of the markdown content, the end matter is shown below.

You cool article content.

author = "Bob"
bio = "A developer"
content = "The cool comment"

author = "Alice"
bio = ""
content = "Another cool comment"

Code blocks

Zine provides some advanced code blocks to help you write articles.

URL preview


Some cool magazines powered by Zine


  • Support RSS Feed

  • Support render OGP meta

  • Support l10n

  • Support sitemap.xml

  • Support table of content

  • Support code syntax highlight

  • Support i18n

  • Generate word cloud for season


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.