
lix help is unclear for some commands

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 Supported commands:

    install <url> [as <lib[#ver]>] : install lib from specified url
    install haxe <version>|<alias> : install specified haxe version
        use haxe <version>|<alias> : use specified haxe version
                  dev <lib> <path> : use dev version of library
   download haxe <version>|<alias> : download specified haxe version
             scope [create|delete] : creates or deletes the current scope or
                                     inspects it if no argument is supplied
                     haxe-versions : lists currently downloaded versions
      download [<url[#lib[#ver]]>] : download lib from url if specified,
                                     otherwise download missing libs
                   run lib ...args : run a library
                    --version / -v : print version
          run-haxelib path ...args : invoke a haxelib at a given path following haxelib's conventions

The convention seems to be <name> for arguments, but this is not followed for run lib ...args and run-haxelib path ...args. Also, run-haxelib must take a lib argument too, so does it go before or after the path?

Am I misunderstanding run-haxelib's explanation? I thought it meant that the path argument will be used as the cwd for the program, but if it's actually the path to a haxelib folder stored locally, then it makes sense that there's no lib argument.