
Unable to access to some files

TheFallen00 opened this issue · 1 comments

Do you read the FAQ?

  • Yes.

Describe the bug
I'm triyng to access to some files but it says me "Cannot edit in read-only editor" so i can't download or do anyting to the files that yet existing in a certain path.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the extension from the extensions list in vscode
  2. Open the configs and set the data for access to my sftp server
  3. Try to edit some files
  4. "Cannot edit in read-only editor"

Expected behavior
I was expecting that it will let me to edit all the files that are in the server


  • OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19042
  • VSCode Version 1.56.2
  • Extension Version 1.12.9

Extension Logs from Startup
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Cancel All Transfer" from "./commandCancelAllTransfer.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Config" from "./commandConfig.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "List Active Folder" from "./commandListActiveFolder.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Open Ssh Connection" from "./commandOpenSshConnection.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Set Profile" from "./commandSetProfile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Toggle Output Panel" from "./commandToggleOutputPanel.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Changed Files" from "./commandUploadChangedFiles.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Delete Remote" from "./fileCommandDeleteRemote.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Diff" from "./fileCommandDiff.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Diff Active File" from "./fileCommandDiffActiveFile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download" from "./fileCommandDownload.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download Active File" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download Active Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFolder.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download File" from "./fileCommandDownloadFile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadFolder.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download Force" from "./fileCommandDownloadForce.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Download Project" from "./fileCommandDownloadProject.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Edit In Local" from "./fileCommandEditInLocal.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "List" from "./fileCommandList.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "List All" from "./fileCommandListAll.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Reveal In Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInExplorer.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Reveal In Remote Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInRemoteExplorer.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Sync Both Directions" from "./fileCommandSyncBothDirections.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Sync Local To Remote" from "./fileCommandSyncLocalToRemote.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Sync Remote To Local" from "./fileCommandSyncRemoteToLocal.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload" from "./fileCommandUpload.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Active File" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Active Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFolder.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload File" from "./fileCommandUploadFile.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadFolder.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Force" from "./fileCommandUploadForce.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [debug] register command "Upload Project" from "./fileCommandUploadProject.ts"
[05-26 15:51:08] [info] config at d:\xampp\htdocs\myFido {"remotePath":"./","uploadOnSave":true,"downloadOnOpen":false,"ignore":[],"concurrency":4,"protocol":"sftp","connectTimeout":10000,"interactiveAuth":false,"secure":false,"remoteTimeOffsetInHours":0,"name":"gbox_myfido","host":"","port":22,"username":"","password":"","path":"/home/gbox_myfido/"}
[05-26 15:51:10] [warn] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\eliar.ssh\config' load C:\Users\eliar.ssh\config failed
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Local ident: 'SSH-2.0-ssh2js0.4.5'
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Client: Trying on port 22 ...
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Client: Connected
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Remote ident: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3'
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Outgoing: Writing KEXINIT
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Comparing KEXINITs ...
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) KEX algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) KEX algorithms:,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] KEX algorithm: ecdh-sha2-nistp256
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Host key formats: ssh-ed25519,ssh-rsa,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Host key formats: ssh-rsa,rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Host key format: ssh-ed25519
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Client->Server ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm,,aes256-gcm,
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Client->Server ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Client->Server Cipher: aes128-ctr
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Server->Client ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm,,aes256-gcm,
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Server->Client ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Server->Client Cipher: aes128-ctr
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Client->Server HMAC algorithms: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Client->Server HMAC algorithms:,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Client->Server HMAC algorithm: hmac-sha2-256
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Server->Client HMAC algorithms: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Server->Client HMAC algorithms:,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Server->Client HMAC algorithm: hmac-sha2-256
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Client->Server compression algorithms: none,,zlib
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Client->Server compression algorithms: none,
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Client->Server compression algorithm: none
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (local) Server->Client compression algorithms: none,,zlib
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] (remote) Server->Client compression algorithms: none,
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Server->Client compression algorithm: none
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Outgoing: Writing KEXECDH_INIT
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Checking host key format
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Checking signature format
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Verifying host fingerprint
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Host accepted by default (no verification)
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] DEBUG: Verifying signature
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Outgoing: Writing NEWKEYS
[05-26 15:51:16] [debug] Outgoing: Writing SERVICE_REQUEST (ssh-userauth)
[05-26 15:51:17] [debug] Outgoing: Writing USERAUTH_REQUEST (none)
[05-26 15:51:17] [debug] Client: none auth failed
[05-26 15:51:17] [debug] Outgoing: Writing USERAUTH_REQUEST (password)
[05-26 15:51:17] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_OPEN (0, session)
[05-26 15:51:17] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_REQUEST (0, subsystem: sftp)
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing OPENDIR
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READDIR
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READDIR
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CLOSE
[05-26 15:51:18] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:51:48] [debug] Outgoing: Writing ping (GLOBAL_REQUEST:
[05-26 15:52:00] [debug] Outgoing: Writing OPENDIR
[05-26 15:52:00] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READDIR
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READDIR
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CLOSE
[05-26 15:52:01] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing OPEN
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READ
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing READ
[05-26 15:52:03] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
[05-26 15:52:04] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CLOSE
[05-26 15:52:04] [debug] Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)

You can try my version, i've fixed a lot of bugs, maybe this will fix yours 🙂