
Per page parameter being ignored

gigili opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm facing a problem where even tho I have set the per_page and per_page_parameter values the Pagination is still using the default values.

I've used this setup:

pagination = Pagination(

Where values are set like this:

start_limit = int(request.args.get("page")) if "page" in request.args.keys() else 1
end_limit = int(request.args.get("rows")) if "rows" in request.args.keys() else 5

The total is returned from the DB.

And here is the example of the data I have and what I'm getting:

Total records in db: 68
Per page: 5
Num of pagination links expected: 14
Num of pagination links rendered: 7

The db returns the correct amount of rows, but the pagination only displays 7 pages as that is how many there are if you use per_page = 10 and I tried to pass in the url both &rows=15&pp=15 and got the same pagination rendered on the screen. But if I manually go to ?page=10 it will display the correct data and show pagination links as: «12...345610»

I'm using

flask-paginate: 0.5.5
Python: 3.8.1
OS: linux (Manjaro x64)
lixxu commented

per_page_parameter is used for that you want to use another name instead of per_page, you set it rows and you need to use rows=end_limit

Thank you for the info, it is working now. From reading the docs I thought that this would only change the query string parameter in the url that the class is looking for and not the name of parameter for that functions as well.