
a Mini App that provides a demo flow for request fictional rides (motorcycle, car, helicopter). User is presented with a map where they can select their location (source location) and destination location, then choose vehicle type and finally place a sample request

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

T Ride

a Mini App that provides a demo flow for request fictional rides (motorcycle, car, helicopter). User is presented with a map where they can select their location (source location) and destination location, then choose vehicle type and finally place a sample request

Note that this project hasn't server side part and generate mock data in client side



  • Wrriten in Vue Js
  • Beautiful and eye-catching appearance
  • Componetn based
  • Provides map for select source and destination location using power of Mapbox
  • Provides a demo flow for request fictional rides includes Bike, Car and Helicopter


  • Familiarity with the command line
  • Node.js v16 or newer.


  • Install Node.js v16 or newer
  • Clone the repo - git clone https://github.com/ArashYounesi/TRide
  • Go to project directory - cd project_folder
  • Install project dependencies — npm install.
  • Launch the app — npm run dev, it will become available at http://localhost:5173.

Deployment - Lunch on Telegram


  • Telegram bot
  • Server to deploy project on it
  • Domian connected to server

In order to use this project as a Telegram Mini App some requirements needs:

  • Build project - npm run build (dist directory will created)
  • Upload files in dist folder to server
  • Create a new telegram bot using BotFather (/newbot)
  • Create a new web app based on created bot using BotFather (/newapp)
  • Lunch using link BotFather gives you

You can also edit your Mini App url, name, ... using BotFather (/myapps) For detailed information about Telegram Bot and Mini App please visit Telegram Mini App
