
Docker image to build WebRTC for Android

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Before building and using this docker image to compile WebRTC source code for Android, it's better to setup proxy locally (e.g., by configuring ~/.docker/config.json).

Users are required to fetch Chromium depot tools and WebRTC source code first. A guide.

Build docker image

bash build-docker-image.sh

Run docker image at current folder containing depot_tools/ and src/

docker run -v $(pwd):/webrtc-android -it --rm centos8:webrtc bash

Compile WebRTC to generate one aar file

tools_webrtc/android/build_aar.py --arch arm64-v8a --verbose

Note: To compile aar file that can be used in Unity project, follow the guides in com.unity.webrtc project.