
Issue tracker parses templater tp.system.suggester twice

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have the following in the frontmatter section of an issue-tracker.issue template:

type: <% tp.system.suggester(["Story", "Bug", "TODO", "Epic"], ["Story", "Bug", "TODO", "Epic"], false, "Type of Issue") %>
issueNo: <% issueInfo.issueNo %>
labels:<% issueInfo.labelsYAML %>

When I open a new issue the Type of Issue pops up, and then pops up a second time, the value of the second time is the one that is actually used in the new document.

I can't reproduce the behavior you described, are you still experiencing the same issue?

No it's fixed now either with more recent obsidian or templater. Thanks for trying to repro though I appreciate your work!