
SyntaxError Unexpected end of script at `t.getComponentName(airbnb-prop-types/src/helpers/getComponentName)`

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We got this error from airbnb proptypes... haven't faced such issue before.

it throws an error on line

export default function getComponentName(Component) {

For more detail can check here for issue that we catch on our sentry instance: https://umai.sentry.io/share/issue/23296973e27047f28f20447e8519fcc4/


├─┬ eslint-config-airbnb@19.0.4
│ │ ├─┬ eslint-config-airbnb-base@15.0.0
│ │ │ └── eslint@8.53.0
ljharb commented

Seems like an issue with your bundler or something - the actual file is complete, as you can see here: https://unpkg.com/browse/airbnb-prop-types@2.16.0/build/helpers/getComponentName.js

(also, those version numbers have nothing to do with airbnb-prop-types)