
1.4.1 and 1.5.0 "You can also filter by zones and/or cameras." not working as expected.

Closed this issue · 10 comments

This statement is a bit ambiguous. I initially expected that if BOTH cameras and zones where defined that only events that matched both would be submitted. Like the frigate required_zones feature.

However it appears that if the events matches the zone OR the camera it matches and submits.

Of note zone names are not unique, you could have two different cameras covering the same zone name with different angles.

In my case I have a "driveway" zone with two cameras that can see it, however one is at a bad angle to see the plate so technically I would like to only get that zone WITH a specific camera.

in addition if no cameras are defined and ONLY zones are defined the logs seem to indicate the application is restarting about every minute and doesn't log any events.

Further testing this config in 1.5.0 just restarts on EVERY event

  frigate_url: http://xxxxxxxxxxx:5000
  mqtt_server: xxxxxxxxxxx
  mqtt_auth: true
  mqtt_username: xxxxxxxxxxx
  mqtt_password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  main_topic: frigate
  return_topic: plate_recognizer
    - car
    - driveway
    - driveway_entrance
    - garage_entrance
  min_score: .75
  token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - us-ca
logger_level: DEBUG

I am seeing the following log repeat every time a car drives by

2023-11-15 17:35:00,005 - __main__ - INFO - Frigate Plate Recognizer Version: 1.5.0
2023-11-15 17:35:00,005 - __main__ - DEBUG - config: {'frigate': {'frigate_url': 'http://xxxxxxxxxx:5000', 'mqtt_server': 'xxxxxxx', 'mqtt_auth': True, 'mqtt_username': 'xxxxx', 'mqtt_password': 'xxxxxx', 'main_topic': 'frigate', 'return_topic': 'plate_recognizer', 'objects': ['car'], 'zones': ['driveway', 'driveway_entrance', 'garage_entrance'], 'min_score': 0.75}, 'plate_recognizer': {'token': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'regions': ['us-ca']}, 'logger_level': 'DEBUG'}
2023-11-15 17:35:00,006 - __main__ - INFO - Starting MQTT client. Connecting to:
2023-11-15 17:35:00,007 - __main__ - INFO - MQTT Connected

Yeah, I noticed the same thing here on my end.. Keeps restarting

v1.5.1 should fix this

v1.5.1 should fix this

So which way is this fixed?

Can you specify "Zones" with no camera?

If you specify Cameras AND Zones must BOTH match now?

You should be able to do only zones, only cameras, or both

You should be able to do only zones, only cameras, or both

If both are specified is it now an "AND" statement BOTH must match?


Seems to finally be working as expected.. Now I just have image quality and angle of the car when the snap shot is taken issues .. Might have to upgrade to frigate plus and try out that new plate feature.

You should be able to do only zones, only cameras, or both

If both are specified is it now an "AND" statement BOTH must match?

Can this be added to the docs? I assumed that it would have been AND/OR rather than just AND...