
How does one get a box around the license plate in the frigate snapshot ?

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Is that possible ? I mean I know there is draw_box but I thought it was part of saving snapshots to disk ?

save_snapshots: True # Saves a snapshot called [Camera Name]_[timestamp].png
draw_box: True # Optional - Draws a box around the plate on the snapshot along with the license plate text (Required Frigate plus setting)
always_save_snapshot: True # Optional - will save a snapshot of every event sent to frigate_plate_recognizer, even if no plate is detected

Also not sure why this is a separate option, one already gets the labels in frigate, but I guess it's for those who want separate license plate jpegs?

You can get a box around the license plate in frigate by enabling bounding_box in frigate config. But that's totally separate from this.

So that works with car object detection ? If I mess around with bounding box in debug I don't think it happens specifically for license plates ,just for anything that moves I think.

Anyway as you say that's outside of the scope here then. Would still be nice to have!