
Unable to run SPARQL query from within an Org file

wouterbeek opened this issue · 1 comments

I have the following content in an Org file:

#+BEGIN_SRC sparql
select ?s ?p ?o {
  ?s ?p ?o
limit 1

Pressing C-c C-c while point is within this code block gives the following response:

Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer: *http localhost:2020*-159759

I do not know what message means (e.g., what is an off buffer?). There does not seem to be a buffer with the given *http ... name.

My OS is Fedora 25, M-x emacs-version is 25.2.1, and M-x org-version is 9.0.8.

The relevant part in my .emacs/init.el is:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sparql-mode-dir")
(autoload 'sparql-mode "sparql-mode.el"
    "Major mode for editing SPARQL files" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sparql$" . sparql-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rq$" . sparql-mode))

;; Org Babel
 '((sparql . t)))
ljos commented

It did work as it was, it was just giving a bad error message. The problem was that you have no sparql endpoint at http://localhost:2020/. It should now give a better error message in this case.