
Build Status

A feed reader built with the MEAN stack. Deployed at

In case you want to play around with this or run it locally:

Environmental requirements

  • Needs a mongodb instance to connect to.
  • Grunt, NPM, bower.
  • Google closure compiler, with environment variable CLOSURE_PATH pointing to directory containing build/compiler.jar.
  • Environment variable MEAN_ENV should be set to one of 'test', 'development', or 'production'. This is picked up in webserv/config.js, which sets db URI/name etc.


In project directory npm i and bower i to install dependencies.

  • grunt test runs jshint, front end tests with karma and back end tests with jasmine-npm.
  • grunt build does a one-off build - i.e. compiles less to css and front-end js with closure compiler.
  • grunt run builds and runs the node/express back end. Also watches, re-builds and re-starts on file change.

Code entry points

  • webserv/main.js is the entry point for the backend API. (And also serves static files when testing/dev.)
  • webserv/updateFeeds.js is a service to poll subscribed feeds and update db with anything new.

Sign in with Google

To use this, you need Google OAuth 2.0 client credentials. Go to, and the Auth/credentials section, to get these. You need get a client ID and Secret. The js origin should be http://localhost:5667, and redirect url should be http://localhost:5667/reader/auth/google/callback. The ID and secret can be set as environment variables, or set in webserv/config.js.