Support vertical distribution
fschwarz86 opened this issue · 3 comments
I have a light that supports directing light up or down (up to 100% up or down or any distribution in between). Can this be made available via HA as well? Looking at the debug log, this seems to be somehow available already:
2024-02-28 20:53:13.315 DEBUG (MainThread) [CasambiBt._unit] Parsed b'54ff2b' to UnitState(dimmer=84, **vertical=255**, rgb=None, white=None, temperature=2919)
I haven't found a good way to model vertical control in HA yet. Standard light entities don't support it. home_assistant_casambi uses a service call to implement it but I'm not sure how useful this actually is. If this actually provides a benefit implementation is quite straightforward
Hm, this is actually a tricky one. I think the most straight forward option would be a number entity with min = 0 and max = 255 and NumberDeviceClass.ILLUMINANCE (I can't find any better option).
My main use case would be setting scenes, therefore a service call woulnd't be too useful as scenes can only control devices and entities.
That would be indeed a great add. In the API version the vertical control is between 0-255 as per @fschwarz86 comment.
It's important for scenes indeed and control by HA locally rather than API or very slow casambi app.