A JavaScript utility to help sync your Halo 5 requisition progress with the REQ Progress worksheet by /u/Fenris447
This UserScript requires requires Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey (or a bookmarklet) and that you use the "sorted by Waypoint" version of the REQ Progress worksheet.
If you have Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey installed, simply visit this page and install the script:
Make a new bookmark and call it "REQ Progress Helper". Edit the bookmark and replace the entire URL portion with:
javascript:(function(){ $.getScript('https://llamasoft.github.io/REQ-Progress-Helper/REQHelper.user.js'); })();
If you are using the UserScript method, visit the requisition page and the buttons should load automatically.
If you're using the bookmarklet method, visit the page and click the bookmark and the buttons will load.
If done correctly, the page should look like this: https://i.imgur.com/iXhSFmE.png
Click any of the buttons and your REQ progress will be copied to your clipboard.
Paste the result first cell of the "Have" column: https://i.imgur.com/EfoyhdT.png
Repeat for each category on each of the requisition pages (Customization, Loadout, and Power/Vehicle).