
Release scripts for Chunky.

Primary LanguagePython

Chunky Release Tools

Scripts to automate the Chunky release process with a Docker container.

One Time Setup

The ./private/ directory should be populated with gradle.properties and release.key.

mkdir private
cp ~/.gradle/gradle.properties private
gpg --export-secret-keys <KEYID> > private/release.key

Release Process

Add release notes:

vi data/release_notes-<VERSION>.txt

Start the container via script:

# ./shipit.py <VERSION>

Start the container manually:

docker build -t chunkybuild .
docker run -it \
  --rm \
  --name chunky \
  -e RELEASE_GIT_BRANCH=master \
  -v "$PWD/private:/chunky/private" \

Tools Used

Docker is used to create a Linux container for clean reproducible build workflow.

Launchpadlib is a Python library used to work with the Launchpad API.

PRAW is used to post relase threads on Reddit.

Appbundler (bitbucket.org/infinitekind/appbundler) is used to build the Mac App.

Wine and NSIS are used to build a Windows installer.