
System Exception Error

OrwinRaqoon opened this issue · 1 comments

I have updated a previously built world to the current version of Audiolink 0.2.5 and once Audiolink and Audiolink Controller prefabs are placed into the world Hierarchy, the inspector for Audiolink is throwing the following compile error:

Assets/AudioLink/Scripts/AudioLink.cs(20,0): System.Exception: User type AudioLink could not be found

The update was done step by step, and tested at each step, until reaching this failure point.

Updated project to 2019.4.30f1 - World tested OK
Updated to SDK3-WORLD-2021. - World tested OK
Made backup copy
Updated Udonsharp from 0.19.11 to 0.20.03 - World tested OK
Made backup copy
Updated Audiolink 0.2.4 to 0.2.5 - Compile error.

Any help appreciated.

Issue was being caused by the previous version of VRSL. Updating to latest version seems to have fixed the issue.