
Possible inaccuracy in Udon AudioLink v3 beta world.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Not really an AudioLink bug per se, but I was looking in the Udon AudioLink v3 Beta world and noticed that it stats that the original _AudioTexture is 128px x 4px, however I visited the version 1 world, Udon AudioLink and the render texture appears to be 32px x 4px


how did you come to the conclusion that it's 32x4?

I think that's actually right - the original texture from AudioLink V1

i was in the version 1 world (second world in original post), with a shader that tells me the dimensions of the _AudioTexture render texture

VRChat_2024-01-24_02-46-09 725_1920x1080

most audiolink worlds are 128x64, but this v1 world is 32x4

@llealloo since she usually edits the world

minor issue