
I am working on a awesome-python-htmx, seeking your feedback

Opened this issue · 2 comments

A few of us at PyCon this year got together and brainstormed a new Web Stack that we are calling PyHAT (Python, htmx, ASGI, TailwindCSS). The first thing we set out to do is create awesome-python-htmx; a collection of active tools/libraries/projects in that space.

I like the look of your project, but it seems development may have stalled? I'd appreciate your feedback if you have any on it's inclusion.

In addition to that, if you could also participate in PyHAT-stack/awesome-python-htmx#1 that would be greatly appreciated!

lllama commented

Great idea. Development on this is stalled (I should probably archive it) but I'm exploring similar ideas with lllama/Sanic-kit

@lllama thanks for your response, I'll take the convo over to there and remove dark-star from the list