
[DOC] Breaking the README into multiple files

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The README is quite lengthy, and it might be better to split it into multiple files for better readability and organization. We can break down the different sections (e.g., installation, contributing, release notes and changelogs) into their own files, and link them back to the main README for easy reference.

If you think this is a good idea , Assign me to this issue and I'll start working on it.

I don't mind working on it or assisting you as well.

i will working with you

@PRIYANKjakharia and @AMANCHAUBEY2277, thank you for your interest, but I am currently working on this issue myself if it's assigned to me. Appreciate your understanding!

Hi I assigned @Vignesh025 to this issue - but to @PRIYANKjakharia and @AMANCHAUBEY2277 I do think that there is significant room for improvement in the Read Me - even some graphics to make it more visually interesting, etc. as well so please post here other ideas you may have regarding the Read Me. THANK YOU!!!

@NYDocutest , Thankyou for assigning this issue to me.