
React-core.min.js throwing an error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

/usr/lib/webscreensaver -url https://p.datadoghq.com/sb/<public URL>?tv_mode=true

Console reports:
** Message: console message: https://p.datadoghq.com/static/v/34.261313/js/react-core.min.js @16: uncaught

And the display is just plain ooooogly

Hey @philCryoport do you have a (public) URL I could try ?

This could very well be related to an old webkit version as mentioned in other tickets.

I can't reveal the public URL, sorry

...and I've switched to using xtrlock so this issue is moot

Datadog does offer a free-up-to-5-hosts plan in their infrastructure product so you could get a login and test against it...