
"python3 controller.py eval image0_path image1_path out_dir" wrong output

franciscorba opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm running this:

python controller.py eval ../../../test/001.jpg ../../../test/002.jpg ../../../test/

And I get this:

ls ../../../test
001.jpg  002.jpg  'flow[0].fwd.flo'        'occ[0].fwd.float3'
001.png  002.png  'mb[0].fwd.float3'       'occ_soft[0].fwd.float3'
001.tif  002.tif  'mb_soft[0].fwd.float3'

I found really rare that files have apostrophes.

I tried your read code:

from netdef_slim.utils.io import read 
occ_file = '\\'flow[0].fwd.flo\\''
occ_data = read(occ_file) # returns a numpy array

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

And gets:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable