
Updating project to Angular 8 and ivy

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Hey @lmeijdam, thank you for this awesome project which leads me to teh right irection for my application. My applicartion will be one application only with some core functionality like adminpanel. authentication und authorization and all other features will be available via angular libraries as plugins, so a customer can build his own application with my plugins.

I forked your project to bump the version to Angular 8 and make some improvements but as I see, SystemJS is not available here, since SystemJS has done some things. But I manged to get the Systemset() working. But now it complains, that System.newModule() is not a function.

Do you have clue how I can solve this? When I've done it, I would love to create a PR for your project. In an example project of myself I've ditched SystemJS completely and only use dynamic import() of esNext. I think this could be possible here too, since Angular injects the deps automagically.

Only point which doesn't work actually is to inject routes when I lazy load that module.